Tuesday, October 12, 2010


These pictures are still on my mind.

1. Liza was actively 'cooing' as I snapped this picture.
2. She is a serious little thing and doesn't grant smiles too often.
3. But, when she does smile, her entire face lights up and her eyes shine.
4. Can you tell her eyes are still gray?  A friend mentioned they looked darker and I forbade her from ever suggesting such a thing.  Her eyes will stay gray.

See Henry pointing to himself?

1. He desperately needed his picture taken too.
2. He was saying "HenHen" and vigorously pointing to himself to make sure I knew what he needed.

And this, my friends, is my new all time favorite picture of my boy.

1. Meemee bought him that cowboy hat at the rodeo last winter.  It finally fits like it is supposed to.
2. Love the barn in the background.  He's a cowboy, even though he's never ridden a horse.
3. He said 'cheese' at the appropriate time and the lighting was perfect.

Love these kids
I've really been loving my camera, too.....

1 comment:

Melita said...

Loved the pictures Tricia took of your sweet family!!