Friday, November 12, 2010

Liza's homebirth by the numbers.

9..........days "post date".  Did you know you are not 'late' until the 42 week mark?
1,174....fresh cherries eaten during those long 9 days.
3..........salmon cakes eaten at my last dinner with Liza on the inside - my first nonfruit meal in days.
2..........friends who joined us for cards that last night.
1..........very grumpy pregnant woman complaining of an achey back.
0..........hopes of going into labor that night.
100......% positive I was in labor when I woke up at 2:15am with weak contractions.
6..........calls to our wonderful midwife as she drove an hour to our house.
4..........hours of very exciting, manageable active labor.
1..........hour of transition.
5..........hours of labor, start to finish.
1..........beautiful baby girl born at home!

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