Monday, October 3, 2011

Chicks and Contest Deadline!

My plan was to take a picture of each of our 8 chickens.

Apparently, I forgot chickens are even more active than small children.

This not-very-well-thought-plan ended 50 blurry shots later, 
with only one clear photo.

Thank you, Flopsie, for cooperating.

Is it as obvious to you as it is to me why her name is Flopsie?

We are now the proud owners of 8 hen:

Flopsie and Mopsie, Buff Orpingtons
Jessie the Jersey Giant
Lil Chick, Henrietta and Susie, Rhode Island Reds
Ramona and Corinna, Bantams

Anybody know why the Bantams are named Ramona and Corinna?

Every guess will count as an extra entry in my "Loving My Readers Giveaway" of a 4 ounce bottle of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap.

Feel free to leave a comment on the original contest post if you haven't yet!

Contest winner will be announced Friday, October 7.


Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

Bob Dylan songs, right?

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

*ding ding ding*

We have a winner!

Corinna, Corinna, girl, you been on my mind.....
Ramona, come closer, shed softly your watery eyes.....