Monday, July 18, 2011

our day by the numbers.

12..........rolls of toilet paper stacked high on the bathroom floor.
1............little sister who lives to knock down block towers.
1............little finger of a little sister that was viciously bitten after knocking down the said tower.
16..........trains resided in my room for the remainder of the day.
493........times Liza cried today.  I would never call her a crybaby because that would be mean and ungentle of me.  But. and electronic stores called in search of the power cord to Taylor's computer after his mysteriously unraveled down to the wires.
3.5.........hours in the car with...
2............children under the age of 3 to buy the power cord.
3............shirts bought at Old Navy as a prize to myself for being so nice to my husband.
12..........dollars total spent on the shirts.  Love it.  
0............loving thoughts on the cost of the power cord.
751........brain cells fried from my long day with my babies.
3............times I scoured my SD card in search of a cute picture to post. pictures available. blog posts floating around in my head. to write a real sentence.  
1............mama hoping tomorrow is a day filled with long naps and calm children.
2............percent chance of that actually happening.

1 comment:

Jude and Alisha said...

Sounds like a perfect time for ladies night...