Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thumbs Up or Down?

Two Thumbs Up  - What do you think of my blog's new look?  I think it is pretty fantastic and I love love love that Cat and I hashed out every.single.detail of the redesign via email.  Even though we've never met face-to-face as I was recommended her design services by a mutual friend, Cat quickly figured out my style and how to make my blog more Laura and less Blogger.  Check out her design blog IN A NAP'S TIME to see the other sites she has designed.  I was so impressed to see how each blog is different and unique to it's author and how Cat really captures personality through her design elements.

Two Thumbs Up - Henry slept until 9:45am this morning.  That is officially his latest wake-up time in his entire life.  The day before I was so worried he was getting sick but I really think he was just physically worn down.  After a good night's sleep, he was in much better spirits with little to no nasty cough present.  Woo hoo!

Two Thumbs Down - Liza has her first ear infection.  She's had a wet cough since Easter that just won't quit and my instincts -- or was it the goopy sealed shut eyes and the ear tugging -- told me things had progressed.  Sure enough, Ms. Ellen said one ear drum was pink and bulging.  We hashed out the reasons for putting her on antibiotics or waiting it out for a while but the antibiotics won. Hopefully, she will be feeling better soon.  I feel so bad for her not feeling well but she is about to drive me crazy with the barrage of tears at every dropped toy...

Two Thumbs Up - Liza is 10 months old today!  I have lots to say about my soon-to-be toddler but for now, I'll just leave you will the idea that I'm cheering for her on the inside when she snatches toys away from her big brother.  This is horrible of me, I know.

Two Thumbs Down - Henry is transitioning nicely into his new zero nap routine.  I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of hearing about how I'm not ready for him to stop napping, but really, I'm not ready for this.  Don't expect this topic to go away anytime soon whether we are chatting about it in real life or if you are a bloggy buddy.

Two Thumbs Up - My blog was accepted into the BlogHer Network!  Who knew that random online form I filled out last fall would actually lead to something?  I'm not going to lie:  BlogHer ads on other blogs drive me a little crazy but you can only pinch a penny out of a roll of toilet paper for so long and I really am excited about growing my readership and having a blog support system.

And, the winner is..........

Two Thumbs Up!


JoyFilled said...

Aww poor baby! Thankfully we've never dealt with any ear infections but they sound miserable! Something you might want to look into is breaking down biofilms. Even though I have never heard of a doctor mentioning it, a biofilm will "protect" the bacteria and the antibiotics won't adequately treat the problem. Anything enzymatic will break them down, but grapefruit seed extract drops are great too. Traumeel is great for the pain.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great! And congrats on the acceptance to BlogHer! That is something I am looking into myself, so that's really neat you got in! Sorry your baby is sick; we''ve been battling colds here ourselves and two sick little ones is no. fun. at. all. ;)

Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

Boo for the abx, but did yall at least make sure there was no foam hidden in any of her bodily crevices? Lol!

And that's great about Blogher! Money is money :) and ya might as well get paid for something you enjoy doing. I wish I could dedicate myself more to our blog and perhaps pursue something like that down the road. I have TONS of info to share, but no dang time to get it posted. Balance, right?

Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

Oh, I meant to tell ya my ear infection cure. Saute several cloves of garlic in some olive oil on low (don't let the garlic burn or brown). After the garlic has cooked for a little while, remove from heat and allow to cool to just warm to the touch. Drop a few of the warm oil drops into her ear and massage it in. It feels SO good and the garlic works miracles on all those germies. Repeat as necessary and definitely before sleepy times. I keep the oil stored in the fridge in a little jar between uses and just warm it a little before using.

Amanda said...

Congrats on the blog design. I'm sure it feels great! :)

Sounds like Henry went through a growth spurt! Yay for him for getting through it. You should have a pleasant day or two now before he starts the next one. Or at least that's what it seems like!

I thought my son was giving up his naps for a while, which I revolted against, but I think it was just a small transition period for him. He now sometimes takes naps, and sometimes doesn't. If I set myself up to be okay with that, my day goes much better. (and he goes to bed about an hour earlier those nights)
And don't apologize about all the nap talk. You should see how many times I wrote about my son's napping issues. You talk about what you know :)

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

Thanks for all the kind words and advice, ladies! Much appreciated :)

Becky said...

My son had to have antibiotics for an ear infection when he was 16 weeks old. I was really upset, but felt it was the right thing to do as his eardrum was inflamed and had possibly burst. I would have liked to have used something gentler, but was worried it wouldn't have enough ooomph to kill the infection by that stage.

Because the eardrum may have already burst (doctor couldn't see for the swelling and fluid) he had to have oral meds which was even more annoying. Luckily we were also giving him probiotics to help with his colic, so he didn't seem to suffer from any side effects.

It's always difficult to decide when to use conventional medicine over more gentle methods, but please don't feel bad about it. I personally feel it's the over-reliance on regular medication that causes problems, occasional and appropriate use isn't going to cause any long-term damage.

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

Becky, it is so hard to know what to do about antibiotics. Only one ear was red/inflamed with a bulging eardrum and she had been sick with a nasty wet cough for 1.5 months. My Nurse Practitioner explained that when just one ear is infected it is usuall bacterial and not viral and I was tired of her feeling bad with the cough that we went ahead with the antibiotics. I feel good about it all as it cleared up her cough within two days and she felt noticeably better in two days too.

Becky said...

In my son's case, it was our fault he had the infection - some water had gotten into his ear whilst being bathed which obviously made a nice environment for bacteria. We've been ever so careful about getting his ears wet since then....

The fact that it was just the one ear that was infected made having to use oral antibiotics rather than eardrops all the more upsetting.

I do feel it was the right decision to treat him that way, but I remain wary of antibiotic resistance and will weigh up my options carefully should he need them in future. Thankfully, he hasn't needed anything like that since - he's had a couple of colds, but they've been minor and easily dealt with at home.