Thursday, May 5, 2011

not a wordless wednesday *updated

I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.

Taylor is in New Orleans at a conference......without me.
Both babies were very unhappy for 3/4 of our drive back from Birmingham this morning.
Henry's nap today consists of sleeping in the stroller on the front porch.
His pitiful little nap will be cut short because I am taking both kids to the doctor this afternoon.  Boo.

I'm anxious about the remedy for Henry's infected thumb.  Pretty sure it needs draining.
The house is a mess and I swear I left it all nice and neat.  I was wrong. 
We have a ton of flies for some reason.  Gross.

And, honestly, I was going to name this post "Wordless Wednesday" and forego all this whining.
Only to find out it is Thursday.

But, these pictures make me smile and Taylor will be home tomorrow.
Two very good things.

Our Pediatric Nurse Practicioner is uh-mazing and drained Henry's infected thumb without him shedding a tear.  Liza's ears were not infected and her chest was clear.  Kids were happy and patient even though the morning was a disaster and naptime was even more disastrous.
a successful visit to the doctor!


Amanda @ Gratefully Growing in Grace said...

What a day!
That first picture is fantastic.

Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

oh wow! what a crazy day!! I'm glad it all worked out.