Thursday, November 21, 2013

By The Numbers

12.........hours of sleep for me last night.  That is what happens when you get in bed at 6:45pm.

163.......sad feelings for Ollie's stuffy little baby nose last night.

1...........little baby sniffle I've heard since we got out of bed.

3...........different baby carriers I have used today and it isn't even lunch time.

19.........requests for Henry to stop interrupting the librarian during story time.  His non-sequiters were making me crazy!

3,574.....requests for Liza to stop yelling at me.  I might have even yelled my request a few times.  Ineffective, yes.

63..........thoughts that crossed my mind today about how nice it would be to not worry about money.

63...........thoughts of feeling grateful that we have good food to eat and a healthy family.

27............reminders from Liza that we need to go to the co-op to buy honey as I've been writing this for the past 5 minutes.

10,983.....wishes that I could break my no cartoons during the week rule and veg out to My Little Ponies for the rest of the day.  Too bad, the rule was already broken yesterday at their grandparents' house.


1..............tired mama.

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