Monday, May 16, 2011

Asleep. At last.

My blog is feeling neglected.  My brain no longer feels busy, just tired.  Tired of waking up at 5:45.  Yes.  5:45.  Tired of Henry's new unwillingness to nap, to go to sleep at night or to stay in his bed all night long.  If I hear "I no go night night" one more time, I really might fall to pieces.  Seriously.

I'm trying my best to control my anger when he fights me every step of the way and refuses to nap but it's been hard.  And, yes Mama, I realize I fought naptime and had given up all naps by this age. Especially hard when he bites me after I pick him up to put him back in his bed.  For the millionth time.  Maybe the millionth and one time.  Taylor and I have been talking about how anger and loss of control is our downfall with Henry.  Even though he drives me mad with his insistent ways and wild emotions, perhaps today's naptime disaster was a test of my will to see if I could use compassion instead of anger as this 24 pound little boy pushed every button of mine over and over again.  I give myself a B+.  Much better than Friday's naptime F-......

Now he is asleep on the couch.  For the first time in his life.  I was feeling sorry for Liza having to witness the battle so I shut her door and put her down for her nap fully expecting Henry to barge in her room and insist on laying down in her crib.  Instead I  find 10 minutes of quiet and walk out to find Henry snuggled on the couch under the quilt Taylor napped under when Henry woke him up at 5:00 this morning.  Yes.  5:00.  He didn't exactly smile or show love when I walked out of Liza's room but heck, I hadn't been showing him much love during the previous hour's battle.  I kissed his head and pushed him a little closer to the inside of the couch so he won't fall off and um, wake up.

To move him to his room so he can nap for his full 3.5 hours and risk waking him up and having to deal with the possible torrent of emotions or leave him on the couch and let him wake up on his own when Liza's short little nap is finished?  A big question indeed.

I have exactly 20 minutes remaining before the decision must be made.  At this point, I'm just going to sit down and enjoy the quiet.  And the sweet little view of Henry.  Asleep.  At last.


childsplay said...

I like how you can predict momma's comments (and to be honest mine as well...) maybe no nap would be best to help not sleeping at night...that boy is going through something for sure...or maybe teach him to read a digital clock and he can't get out of bed till he sees a 6 at a min...did you read the email about the book coming out about go the *&^% to sleep - seems appropriate....looking forward to seeing you soon and nobody getting any sleep - ha!

Kristi said...

Landon also went through this phase. Sometimes still does. It is definitely a challenge to deal with the emotions you have when your child won't cooperate. Consistency was what finally broke Landon, it took a good couple of months, but it did work in the end. I'm always here if you need someone to talk you down! I'm sure my sister is glad to not be getting those phone calls as frequently.

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

Maybe I should try no nap tomorrow. I'll have to pep talk myself up for that....

I have thought about that clock that flashes green when it is okay to get out of bed. I bet they are all over Ebay, trying to be sold by disappointed parents....

And yes, we need that book. Can't wait to see yall too!

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

Kristi, we need to talk about this more. A couple of months might kill me.

The Shermans said...

This might sound completely horrible, but we gate Sam in his room. He has never tried to get over it, and even if he's pitching a fit about taking a nap, he'll usually give up and settle down in about an hour or so and conk out on his own. Many times if we don't put the gate up, he'll ask us to...i think it's now a security thing.

Rebecca said...

laura laura just described my life! bedtime usually goes smoothly but naptime is a BATTLE. he thinks its funny and runs from me, doesn't want to read, rock, nothing then the tears come and he wants to do everything. it is so frustrating and all I want him to do is take a nap. And CA only takes catnaps so i need some time to myself. the other day naptime went so badly and I was so frustrated with my lack of control that we skipped nap and went and got ice cream! it was the only thing that saved us that day. if you find any useful tips, pass em on! good luck!

LT (and Max) said...

love your new "blog look"!:)

Frank said...

If it's any consolation, you would usually konk out around 5 pm or so. At least that would give us a chance to fix supper.
The next thing that was a battle was trying to actually have a family dinner meal. Very disappointed. Many times. Got over it and we all got served many times by Chef Laura at Chez Laura.


Laurin said...

I hate that Henry is hating sleep right now. Man, if he only knew, sleep is so great!!! I miss it.

The Dumas Clan said...

oh, Laura! I loved nap time too. So when mine would do that, I bet you can guess what I did...... I would cuddle them up in my bed and take a nap with them. That worked! Not as easy, but at least a little rest.

He is sweet, and only that age once. It goes by so fast!

Just think, if I want to take a nap now I just tell them to hold down the noise and no going outside!

Love you. 3.5 days left! We must hang out!

Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

Oh, Hen!! You know I've been there on the crazy no-sleep front. And mine are waking up before 6 these days too! What gives? Henry does seem to have something going on if he's battling everything and I can tell ya that it seems like he's gearing up to give up that nap. I know, I know. Not what you want to hear but if it helps with nights, you can always enforce a quiet time with a timer or something to help him understand it. And maybe with the pressure off, he'll decide for himself to go to sleep.

Well, I guess, I nothing else, we can be zombies together! :) Hope you get a nap in for yourself!!