Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life by the numbers.

7.....days until Henry's 2nd birthday.

4.....days since little Liza entered our lives.

40...hours of work Taylor is taking off this week. Love it.

1.....very proud big brother who asks for his 'baba' every time she leaves his sight.

2.....nights Henry spent with his Meme and Pops having fun playing with new toys and sleeping in a big boy bed!

26....times Henry has requested to nurse. Big boys eat food. Babies nurse. Remember, Henry?

216..little poots from Liza that make me giggle every single time.

0.....cloth diapers that fit Liza's tiny little tushy. Maybe next week.

7.....new size large cloth diapers for Henry's growing tushy.

4.....keys on a keychain that Yaya gave Henry to keep him busy pretending all tiny crevices are keyholes.

2.....new family members that Liza is about to meet for the first time -- Aunt Lizbeth and Cousin Martha.

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