Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Notes from Henry.

1. I LOVE my bath. Since my mama is such an obsessive googler, she found an article detailing how long soaks in lukewarm water, followed by an immediate slathering of lotion is the new treatment protocol for excema. Man, am I glad that she is so obsessed with that pink laptop of hers, since it means I get to take baths again! I now get to sit in the sink for 30 minutes each night. My mama turns on the water and lets me try to grab and eat the stream from the faucet. It's pretty cute. Sometimes I get frustrated because wet toys are slippery toys, but there is always someone standing nearby that can help. In fact, they stand really close to me since I can almost tipped my bath ring over picking up the dry rack off the counter last week.

2. My Aunt Lizbeth is also quite the googler and she emailed my mama to tell her that I am advanced! Duh. Turns out that most babies my age can't stand by themselves. Well, I live to hold on to rungs of the kitchen chairs and stand up. Without any help. Well, maybe I do need a little help getting up there. Once I am standing, I am on my own. That's the way I like. My mama laughed when my daddy said that I pulled myself up but today she witnessed it with her own eyes. Looks like it's time for somebody to lower my crib mattress before I figure out how to escape those awful afternoon naptimes.

3. Not only does Aunt Lizbeth think that I am advanced, she also deciphered one of the reasons that I don't like to nap so much.... my mama was drinking too much morning coffee. Way too much. I am napping better now that mama is off her habit. That first day of breaking her addiction, my daddy had to fix her a cup at 8pm for her caffeine withdrawal headache. But, now her headache is gone and I really am napping much better.

4. I'm also sleeping better at night. Sometimes, I wake up and cry and nobody comes in to check on me. Can you believe that? Who could resist me??? Sometimes, I fall right back asleep. But, sometimes, I have to scream really, really loud for someone to come and pick me up. And honestly, that's all I want in life.....someone to pick me up ALL the time. Is that too much to ask?

5. This whole ear infection business really sucks. But, getting all that medicine poured down my throat sucks even more. This morning, Mama did pretty good by herself torturing me, but I showed her who was boss after lunch. I spit out that nasty pink stuff all over myself, her shirt, and the changing pad. Mama: 0 Baby:1 -- we'll see who is in the lead tomorrow.....

6. I officially have 3 teeth! 2 on the bottom and 1 on top. Daddy thinks that my newest tooth has retreated but who has ever heard of that kind of nonsense?
7. My mama thinks that she has figured out an easier way to start posting pictures. So, hopefully, yall will be able to see my cute smiling face again!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope Henry is feeling better soon! I saw you both playing outside the other day when I drove by (guess it's been a few weeks now). Maybe we can reschedule that playdate sometime soon.
- Kristy

Risa said...

Hi - I just came over to your blog from MckMama's. I saw your name - Dearman - and had to see who you were because my grandfather's last name was Dearman and his family is from Mississippi, so I'm wondering if it is the same family :) Email me if you are interested too - chucknrisa@yahoo.com.

Praying so hard for little Stellan here!


Rebecca said...

Yeah for better naps! Mamas need those naps just as much as babies do! Good luck with the meds:)

childsplay said...

finally some pictures...maybe your computer wasn't messed up after all... thanks for all the shoutouts -

childsplay said...

oh and advanced too b/c he wavws bye!!