Thursday, August 28, 2008

Henry is finally here!!!

Henry Meigs Dearman has arrived...August 17 at 11:35 a.m., 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long. Although, Taylor doubts the accuracy of the nursery's meausuring system of stretching out one leg against the posted ruler.

I woke up at 3:15 am on August 17 with contractions 5 minutes apart. I immediately knew that this was IT. Taylor reminded me from a deep sleep that I did not want to go to the hospital until I was in serious pain, so I watched a rerun of Michael Phelps winning his 8th gold medal, cleaned the kitchen, dusted the living room and finished packing our bags. At 5:30, I was finally in enough pain that Taylor looked at me and believed that it really was time to leave for the hospital. I offered to cook Taylor eggs for breakfast and then felt bad when the thought of eggs made me want to throw up so we went through the drive through at McDonald's where the girl working recognized that I was in labor and congratulated me and wished us well. We got to the hospital and I was dialated 5-6 cm., recieved a shot of Staidol, slept for the next 4 hours (including through the epidural!), pushed for 30 minutes and we finally had our beautiful baby boy!!

Our homecoming was exciting but thankfully uneventful.

My grandmother, Leslie, was in my thoughts all day long as I thought about how thankful she would be to have her great-grandson living in her house.

A few pictures of sweet little Henry and his loving parents...

1 comment:

Kaitlin @ More Like Mary said...

This popped up at the bottom of your post today! Imagine what you would have said if I told you that in a few short years you'd be an uber dedicated natural birth advocate....